For us here at Hollingworth & Spencer, it’s business as usual. We have contingencies in place should our team be required to work from home and we plan to continue delivering great service to you.
In order to protect your health and our team’s health, we plan to limit face-to-face meetings to only those that are essential meetings such as witnessing of client material, and we will be adhering to all government and health authority recommendations moving forward. We are taking steps to move the majority of our meetings to phone consultations or video conferencing to ensure we are all as safe and protected as possible.
In relation to ongoing work; as always, our lawyers and support staff are available via their email. You can also continue to call us on 07 3123 5700 as normal.
We will continue to assess how we can best manage your needs and those of our team. If the situation develops further, we will update you appropriately.